Matthew 9:37 The harvest is plenty but the workers are few

Nonprofit Group Breaking Barriers and Shaping Futures

Empowering Young Women in East Africa

At GEAUX Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of education and skills training. Our mission is to empower young women and teenage girls in East Africa, particularly Uganda, who have had to drop out of school due to poverty.

Our Impact: Restoring Hope

We strive to restore hope to these girls' lives. By teaching them valuable skills like sewing, braiding hair, and weaving baskets, we not only equip them with a means to earn a living but also instill a renewed sense of self-confidence and purpose.

A group of women in blue dresses posing for the camera.
A group of girls in blue dresses standing around a table.

Our Approach: Skills Training

We provide comprehensive skills training programs designed to empower these young women. Our aim is to help them become self-reliant and able to support themselves and their families.

Our Values: Christian Principles

As a Christian-based organization, our work is guided by principles of love, compassion, and dignity. We believe that every girl deserves the opportunity to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Our Reach: Serving Worldwide

While our focus is on East Africa, our impact is felt worldwide. As one of the few organizations dedicated to this cause, we are proud to be making a difference in the lives of these young girls.

Our Call to Action: Join Us

We invite you to join us in our mission. Whether through donating, volunteering, or spreading the word, your support can make a profound difference in the lives of these girls.

In the heart of East Africa, a transformation is taking place. With each stitch, each braid, and each woven basket, a girl is reclaiming her future. And with your help, we can reach even more. Join us in empowering the next generation of women in Uganda and beyond.

A group of young girls in blue shirts and skirts.