GEAUX Foundation Sponsorship

Meet Janet Namulinda. Janet is 18 years old. She came to Geaux Foundation in very bad health. Her parents had to pull her out of school because they could not afford to pay her school fees. She had to resort to farming with her mom to help the family financially. Her dad began searching for her a husband so the burden of her care would be off of the family. Thank God Janet’s father heard about Geaux Foundation. We are so blessed to be able to care for and educate her. She is a very happy young lady and one of our best students. Praise be to God!

As Janet’s sponsor, please remember to pray for her daily.

  • Relationship with the Lord
  • Identity to be found in Christ alone
  • Health
  • Prosper the kingdom with her talents
  • Boldly minister the Gospel to others
  • Be successful in her career after schooling
  • Generational strongholds to be broken
A woman in blue dress standing outside of a building.
A woman in blue dress standing next to a metal fence.

Meet Gorret Namugeere. She is 19 yrs old her mom passed away when she was very young. Her dad remarried and Gorret’s step mom was very envious of her and treated her very badly. She starved her most of the time and never let her go to school. Instead, she stayed home to cook and clean for the rest of the family. When she turned 16, her step mother convinced her dad to marry her off to some old man. When Gorret found out what they were planning, she ran away to the next village to live with her older sister who was married. The situation there wasn’t any better, but thank God a pastor at her local church introduced her to Geaux Foundation.

As Gorret’s sponsor, please remember to pray for her daily.

  • Relationship with the Lord
  • Identity to be found in Christ alone
  • Health
  • Prosper the kingdom with her talents
  • Boldly minister the Gospel to others
  • Be successful in her career after schooling
  • Generational strongholds to be broken

Meet Hope Naigaga. She is 17 years old. She grew up with her grandmother who is married to a witch doctor. This man used to bring dead bodies in the house which caused her to have severe anxiety. She ran away in search for her mother. The witch doctor found out she had escaped so he ran after her. Unfortunately, he found her and beat her almost to the point of death. Her grand-mother rushed her to the hospital. She survived and once released from the hospital, her grandmother sent her to her mom. Fortunately her mom’s friend had heard about Geaux Foundation and brought her to us.

As Hope’s sponsor, please remember to pray for her daily.

  • Relationship with the Lord
  • Identity to be found in Christ alone
  • Health
  • Prosper the kingdom with her talents
  • Boldly minister the Gospel to others
  • Be successful in her career after schooling
  • Generational strongholds to be broken
A woman in blue dress standing on steps.
A man in a dress shirt and tie holding papers.

Meet Betty Naiumbwa. She is 17 years old. She is the 4th of 8 children. Her father is a polygamist. Her mother is wife number two. Due to extreme poverty, Betty was pulled out of school in middle school to help her mother with farming. She was simply waiting to be married off. This broke her heart because she loved going to school and learning new things. Betty has always been weak and fatigued, but didn’t know why. She was found by Geaux Foundation and brought to the hospital. Doctors discovered that she suffers from low blood pressure and sinus problems among other things. Now she is on treatment and is loving learning new things. She loves reading the Bible.

As Janet’s sponsor, please remember to pray for her daily.

  • Relationship with the Lord
  • Identity to be found in Christ alone
  • Health
  • Prosper the kingdom with her talents
  • Boldly minister the Gospel to others
  • Be successful in her career after schooling
  • Generational strongholds to be broken

Meet Trust Matama. She is 15 years old. She lived with both parents. She is the 1st born of 5 children. When she was 10, her father became ill and has been bed ridden since. This caused a toil on the family since he was the financial provider of the family. Because of this, Trust had to stop going to school because they could no longer afford to pay for her school fees. They hardly had any food to eat which caused her to starve. Because of this, she developed stomach ulcers. Trust didn’t know what she was suffering from. She always thought she was cursed by the devil. Praise God she was brought to Geaux Foundation by the local chair man. She is now on treatment and is learning about the love of our Lord Jesus Christ!

As Trust’s sponsor, please remember to pray for her daily.

  • Relationship with the Lord
  • Identity to be found in Christ alone
  • Health
  • Prosper the kingdom with her talents
  • Boldly minister the Gospel to others
  • Be successful in her career after schooling
  • Generational strongholds to be broken
A woman in blue dress standing next to a fence.
A person in blue and white shirt holding book

Meet Christine Nalugwama. She is 18 years old. Christine has 6 younger sisters. When her parents separated neither of them wanted to keep her. She was sent to her grand parents in the village. She never got a chance to an education. When she got older, she realized that her grand parents where plotting to marry her off to an older guy in exchange for bride price. She ran away in search for her dad who had remarried. Fortunately, her step mother was kind enough to bring her to the Geaux Foundation. She is now learning how to sew and other skills praise be to God!

As Christine’s sponsor, please remember to pray for her daily.

  • Relationship with the Lord
  • Identity to be found in Christ alone
  • Health
  • Prosper the kingdom with her talents
  • Boldly minister the Gospel to others
  • Be successful in her career after schooling
  • Generational strongholds to be broken

Meet Meet Racheal Nakangawa. She is 15 years old. It is heart warming that she is able to find a better living situation through the support of your donations. The bottom picture shows the challenging conditions she faced living in. She lived in a one bedroom house with her dad and chickens. Due to the unclean environment, she experienced many health issues. It is wonderful that she now has the opportunity to join the Geaux Foundation and received the necessary treatments as well as an education and skills to grow a business.

As Racheal’s sponsor, please remember to pray for her daily.

  • Relationship with the Lord
  • Identity to be found in Christ alone
  • Health
  • Prosper the kingdom with her talents
  • Boldly minister the Gospel to others
  • Be successful in her career after schooling
  • Generational strongholds to be broken
A collage of two pictures with a person in front of a house
A woman in blue dress standing next to a fence.

Meet Nakato Gloria. She is 16 years old. She has never met her father, she and her mom where selling paper bags on the side of the road to earn enough money to buy food. When her aunt saw how much she was suffering, she took her in and promised her mom to pay for her school fees. Her aunt never did and instead turned her into a maid. She was brought to the Geaux Foundation by the chairman after he found out about the abuse she was enduring from her aunt. Praise God she is now free!

As Nakato’s sponsor, please remember to pray for her daily.

  • Relationship with the Lord
  • Identity to be found in Christ alone
  • Health
  • Prosper the kingdom with her talents
  • Boldly minister the Gospel to others
  • Be successful in her career after schooling
  • Generational strongholds to be broken